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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

1Samuel, The First Book of The Kings 2

Calling of Samuel


Saul,The Wonderful Gift



MV:Book by book by book,Is34:16
Bib1Yr: Ez15-18
Thy Sins

6. SEX AND EVOLUTION - An Embarrassing Conundrum (VID 1 in a 7 part series)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

1Samuel, The First Book of The Kings

[He. Shemuel “heard of God”]

Background: 1Samuel picks up from the book of Jg. And show how the continued harassment from neighboring tribes made the people ask for a king. 31chs


Author: Accounts from the prophets Samuel, Nathan, and Gad were probably joined together by an unknown author.

Date: 1,2 Samuel were originally one book, which later divided because it was too long. From Samuel’s birth to the end of David’s reign- tool place 1100-971BC. Since the compiler did his work during the time of “the kings of Judah”(27:6), the books must date from the time of the divided kingdom and were likely completed not long after the death of Solomon.(931BC)

Location: Samuel apparently had a school of prophets at Ramah (19:20) in the central part of Israel. Initial records of Saul and David would have been kept there. Once Jerusalem was established by David as the capital, court records began to be kept there, and probably where the two books were compiled.

^Along with Nu., Dt./, and Jg., the books of Samuel sought to promote the “prophetic viewpoint. Obedience to God brings rewards; disobedience brings punishment.
^1S. shows the danger of making demands on God, specifically Israel’s desire to have a king just as their pagan neighbors had(8:4,20).
^1S records the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy that Israel’s kings would come from the tribe of Judah.(Ge49:8-12)


Unique Features:
*Introduces Samuel as “professional prophet” Samuel was a circuit rider (7:15-17) and founder of school of prophets (10:10; 1K18:13; 2K2:3,5; 6:1,2)
*The highlights/ lowlights:
*Memorable teaching of obedience (15:22) and on outward appearances Vs. true worthy(16:7)
*Scripture’s greatest friendship (18:1)
*History’s tallest man (17:4)
*Desperate king of Israel consulting a witch (28:3-25)

Saul (OT)-Saul(NT)
*Both of the tribe of Benjamin (9:1,2 Php3:5) the first was tall and impressive(9:2), while the second was probably unimpressive(2Co10:10)
*The first began as God’s friend and ended up as God’s enemy (10:6,7; 28:6), the second as God’s enemy( and ended up as God’s friend(Ac9:1; 2Ti4:18)
*The life of the first was characterized by disobedience(13:13;15:22,23), the life of the second was characterized by obedience(Ac26:13-19)

Abbreviations: 1Sam./ Sa./ Sm./ S.


I and II Samuel in 7 Minutes (Part 1)

MV: 1Co4:6
Bib1Yr: Ez12-14The Foolish Prophets

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ruth, The Book of 3


Ruth in 5 minutes

MV: Chapter/Paragraph by chapter by chapters, Is28:10
Bib1Yr: Ez7-11

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ruth, The Book of

[He. Ruwth “friend”]

Courtesy of Alexander Scourby(Bible Audio)The Book of Ruth

Background: The story of family loyalty and loyalty to God, during the time of the Judge. The central character Ruth, was not an Israelite but believe in God and through her marriage to an Israelite (Boaz), became the great-grandmother of David, and an ancestor of Jesus. 4chs.

Author: Unknown

Date: and location: Though unknown, it had to be at least a few generations after the events it relates for 3 reasons
^The end of the book mentions David, the great-grandson of Boaz and Ruth
^The opening expression “in the days when the judges ruled” implies an author who lived after that time
^mentions a custom “in those days” that apparently had fallen out of practice

*To document David’s godly ancestry
*Rest and security
*The hidden ways of God meets needs, 1:21; 4:16;3:17

Unique Features:
^provides a marvelous illustration of redemption. The law made provisions(Dt25:5-10Lv25:25-28) by kinsman redeemer(2:20; 3:9,12,13;4:1,3,6,8,14). This law sanctioned the ancient custom of levirate or “brother-in-law” marriage. In Ge38:1-10 records an incident in which it was disregarded. Ruth illustrates its proper application. Kinsman 3 qualification:*a blood relative *Willing to redeem*Able to pay the redemption price. A kinsman redeemer is a beautiful picture of Christ, who met all these qualifications (Ga4:4,5Eph1:7He2:14,15; 1P1:18,19)

Ge. -Ru.
*Contains example of God’s providence. Joseph and Abraham was in the right place at the right time.
*Genealogy started at 4:18 and it’s similarly begins with the same lists in Ge. and begins with the same Hebrew phrase as is found there.

*Ruth, a Gentile who lived among the Jews. Esther, a Jew who lived among the Gentile.
*Ruth married a Jew; Esther married a Gentile
*Both had relatives to obey: Naomi for Ruth, Mordecai for Esther
*Both books contains evidence of God’s providence overruling the “coincidences” of life

Abbreviations: Rth./ Rt./ Rut./Ru

MV: Jn21:24

Bib1Yr: Ez1-3Visions of God


Friday, June 25, 2010

Judges, The Book of 3

Samson and Delilah

Ehud kills Eglon


Prophetess Deborah


Judges in 7 Minutes

MV: Is28:10
Bib1Yr:Jr43(Lamentations)-48The Nations

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Judges, The Book of 2


Ehud, Jg3:12-31

Deborah, Jg4,5

Gideon, Jg6-8



MV: Dn5:12

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Judges, The Book of

[He. Shaphat “Judge” pl. Shofetim “Judges”]

Background: Continuing the conquest of the land of Israel which involved conflict with various tribes both in and around Israel. Interwoven in the account is the constant disobedience to God alternating with a turning back to him, and his patient loyalty which is demonstrated in various leaders (judges) who emerged to rally the tribes to fight their enemies. 16chs.

Courtesy of Alexander Scourby(Bible Audio)The Book of Judges

Author: Unknown. Some say Samuel

Date and Location: Beginning at Joshua’s death to the monarchy, span 355yrs (1380-1045BC). The recurring observation that “in those days Israel had no king” (17:6; 18:1; 19:1;21:25) suggests that Judges was during the monarchy, perhaps c.1020. This means that Samuel, who lived about 30-40yrs. Into the reign of Saul, could had been its author.

^To show that the external threat of defeat by other nations is not as serious as the internal threat of moral depravity and idolatry; indeed external threats are always result from internal problems
^to show Israel why human kingship became necessary for their nation: human wickedness (8:23) and “people did what ever seemed right in their own sight”(17:6; 2:25)

^Js. There is a strong, sustained leadership and tribe unity; Jg., no sustained leader and tribe disunity
^Js., Israel takes land from Canaanites; Jg. , the Canaanites take land from Israel
^Js., emphasizes obedience, victory and freedom; Jg. Shows disobedience, defeat and slavery

Abbreviations: : Judg. /Jdg./Jud./ Jgs./ jg.

MV: Sentence by sentence by sentences, Pr16:10
Bib1Yr:Jr37-39Those kings

Samson Movie

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Joshua,The Book of 3

Bible Mysteries Episode 6 Joshua and the walls of Jericho 


Jericho Unearthed Bible Proof 

Jericho: Unearthed Bible Proof by Torah-Isha



Joshua in 7 minutes

MV: Is51:1
Bib1Yr: Jr33(35)-36

Monday, June 21, 2010

Joshua,The Book of 2


Joshua at the Battle of Jericho 



MV: Phrase by Phrase by Phrases, Pr8:33
Bib1Yr: Jr 29(31)-32Write Thee All

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Joshua,The Book of

[He. Yehoshuah “YHWH saved”]son of Nun, Num 13:16

Courtesy of Alexander Scourby(Bible Audio)The Book of Joshua

Background: First 12chs tells about the initial occupation of Israel under its new leader, Joshua. The remaining chapters outline the planned territorial division among the 12 tribes. Many of the native people still had to be conquered. 24chs.

Author: Joshua or he directed the writing of the vast majority of the book.
*He is concern about written records (8:32)
*Geographical records (18:8, 9)
*words of the covenant (24:25, 26)

Date and Location: Joshua died in about 1390(24:29), 15yrs after the conquest began. Assuming Joshua was the author, most of the book would have been written by then, most likely in Joshua’s hometown of Timnath-serah or in one of the spiritual centers where priests would be found, such as Shechem (24:1) or Bethel, where the Ark would later reside(Jg20:26,27)

Purpose: teaches that God keeps his promises no matter how unlikely their fulfillment may appear. This is god’s general promise to the land of Canaan to Israel, and his specific promises to grant success in particular battles96:2; 10:8). God’s promises did not fail (21:45). The Israelites simply had to obey and step out of faith.

Unique Features:
^3 memorable miracles(3:14-17;6;10)
^Gentiles not excluded from God’s plan under the dispensation of Mosaic Law. Rahab the Canaanite is mentioned in 3NT passages
^Angel representing Christ (5:13-15)

*How God led his people out of bondage. Js. , how God led his people into the land of blessing(Dt6:23)
*Both exit of Ex. and the entrance of Joshua involved a miraculous parting in waters (Ex14:16,22 Js3:14-16)
*Both books are also symbolic. Believers are spiritually taken out of Egypt (spiritual death) and brought into Israel (salvation, abundant life)

Abbreviations: Josh. / Jsh. / Jos. / Js

MV: 2Ti4:2
Bib1Yr: Jr26-28I Command Thee To Speak

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Deuteronomy,The Book of 3


The death of Moses complete the Torah or law book that the Israelites should follow.



Deuteronomy in 8 Minutes

MV: Part to Whole *Word by word by Words,Mt5:18
Bib1Yr: Jr23-25Pastors That Destroy

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Deuteronomy,The Book of

The Last of the Torah,
[He. Debarim “words”,1:1


Background: At the border of Israel. He presented as three sermons, surveying the journey from Egypt, the people’s rebellion and God’s patient loyalty. He restates and underlines some of the laws of Ex., Lv., and Nu. (thus the book’s title “second law-giving”) and stresses need for obedience after they have settled in Israel. The book closes with some final words of Moses and his death. 34chs.

Author: Moses, 1:1;4:44
*Proof of eyewitness account within the book could have only been recorded by Moses himself or by someone working closely with him like Joshua.
*NT refers to Moses as the Author of parts of Deuteronomy, Mt19:4-Dt24:1-4; Lk20:28-Dt25:6,7

Date and Location: The book could not have been written until 1406. Moses probably kept a journal, like Nu., and put it into its final form as Israel prepared to enter Canaan.

^Give detailed instruction about God’s law and his covenant with Israel
*Ge. tell of Israel’s election
*Ex. tell of its redemption
*Lv. tells its sanctification
*Nu. tells of its direction
*Dt tells of its instruction
^To exhort Israel to pay attention to God’s instruction; the words do, keep, and observe appear 177x in the book
^To show God rewards obedience and punishes disobedience

Unique Features:
^Like Lv., Dt. Place great emphasis on the word of God,4:1,2,9; 11:18-20;12:32;30:11-14
^Jesus began his ministry by quoting from Dt3xin answer to 3 temptations by the devil:
^Key prophecies in Dt. Provide a basic outline for all of Israel’s history
^prophecy *fulfillment
^Entering Canaan, 7:2; 9:1-3; 31:3 *Joshua
^Sinning in Canaan, 31:16-29 *Jg;2K16;18-24
^Exile, 4:26-28 *2k17,25Ez,Da
^Return from exile,30:1-3 *Ezr, Ne

Abbreviations: Deut. / Deu. / De. / Dt

MV: 2Co3:3
Bib1Yr: Jr15(17)-19Thy Words were found

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Numbers,The Book of 3



NUMBERS in 11 Minutes

MV: Read,jot,2Ti2:15
Bib1Yr: Jr12-14
Saith The Lord

Monday, June 14, 2010

Numbers,The Book of

Fourth Book of the Torah

[He. Ba(e)midbar ”In the wilderness”, the fifth word of the text
To show that God chastens his people when they disobey



*To foreshadow the sacrifice of Christ through symbolism such as red heifer and the bronze serpent, 19:21
*To continue revealing the attributes of God(Ge-Lv) by showing:
*his perseverance in covenant keeping
*the balance between his grace and his wrathful chastening,

Unique Features:
^Aaron and Miriam criticized Moses by marrying a Cushite woman,12
^God’s punishes Korah’s rebellion,16
^Aaron’s rod, 17
^An Ass Talk, 22
^Entering the land, 32:11

In Nu. ,an ass reasons to her master,22

In Rv. An eagle proclaims,Rv8:13

Abbreviations: Num / Nu / Nm

MV: Put yourself in the shoes of the characters,Ro14:21; 1Th5;14
Bib1Yr: Jr4-6The Lion Cometh

Amazing Numbers of The Bible

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Leviticus,The Book of 3


THe Leviticus Scroll fragment

a-sabbat-b-law fragment


Leviticus in 7 Minutes


MV: Treat like a holy book,Ro1:2
Bib1Yr: Jr1-3
The Word of The Lord Came

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Leviticus,The Book of 2

No More Plages

MV: How to study the bible I: Treat it like an ordinary book at first, Ac17:28Tit1:12
Bib1Yr: Is64-66All Our Righteousness

Friday, June 11, 2010

Leviticus,The Book of

Third Book of the Torah


[He. Vayiqra ”And he called”, which is its opening word, Gr. Leviticon (biblion), lit. “the Levitical(Priest)Book]. It is also referred to as Torat Kohanim ”The Law of the Priests.” 27chs.

Background: A Lawbook for Priesthood ,the relation of Israel towards God, of sacrifices and rituals, to reflect his character in daily life

Author: Moses
*More than 50x in Lv., “And the Lord spake unto Moses (6:1)
*Jn1:45, the law” refers to the five books of the OT
*Quotes from Lv. are attributed to Moses,Ro10:5

Date& Location: Most probably recorded the events and the directives from God shortly after they occurred, in 1446BC.There are clear indications in text that Lv. was written at Sinai(25:1;26:46;27:34)

^To show Israel, freed from Egypt’s bondage, how they should live as God’s people. Same to all believers, first comes redemption then sanctification
^To instill an awareness of sin and describe what constitutes holiness in one‘s relationship with God, by concrete, visual illustrations (,blemishes or defects in humans or of God’s animals)
^To foreshadow the complete and perfect sacrifice of Christ by repeatedly emphasizing the the complete and perfect sacrifices of animals
^Add to the revelation of God’s nature in Ge. And Ex. By focusing on his holiness

Unique Features:
^The phrase “And the Lord spake” appears more than 50x, than in any other Bible book

Comparison: See Ex.

Abbreviations: Lev. / Lv. /Le.

MV: Rv22:18,19
Bib1Yr: Is61-63To Proclaim