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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Power of Poetry

When there are times of sadness or excitement or in love or hate and anger. 

Poetry does supply thought for them. 

From The book of Job, Psalms and Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and Songs of songs. You can find lots and lots of Poetry. 

I do like poetry, I even have a recording of some poetry. That is why I always go back and enjoy rereading these books of the bible.

MV: 2Ti4:1-5
Bib1Yr: 1K12-16Kings

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gossip and Talebearers 3

So what good is about gossip.

Well if you boasting of yourself, laughing at others, it is extreme good. 

From one good story pass on to the other and gets distorted one person to the other. Enjoying all lies and the devil’s company.Jn8:44 It reveals secret unnecessarily, Pr 20:19

Sharing Information and gossip. 

If a news is used to help other people like medical information and other incidents,they  are not gossip. 

Gossip on the other hand, has no truth to it, its main purpose is be laugh about the misfortune of other and boast yourself. Gossipers think there are no harm done but actually they are harming themselves more than the person they talking about. 

What we need to learn is how to keep something to ourselves and to balance which is to kept secret and to let out.

MV: Admonition: 2Th2:15
Bib1Yr: 1K8-11Tabernacle

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gossip and Talebearers 2

Proverbs 20:19 He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.

Proverbs 24:28 Be not a witness against thy neighbour without cause; and deceive not with thy lips.

Proverbs 25:9 Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another;

Proverbs 25:10 Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away.

Proverbs 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Proverbs 26:6 He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet, and drinketh damage.

Proverbs 26:22 The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.

Lv19:16Pr11:13; 18:8;20:19; 26:20,22

MV: idolatry: Jg10:13, 14
Bib1Yr: 1K (4)-7The Reign of Solomon

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gossip and Talebearers


Gossip - In merry old England, a godsib was a godparent of either sex, sib being the Anglo-Saxon word for "kinsman." When godsibs were together, particularly female ones, no doubt a fair share of idle talk occurred, and the word soon lost its definition and its religious context and acquired the meaning of one with whom one chats intimately. 

By Shakespeare's time one's gossips were also those close friends who attended one in childbirth (during which there was generally ample time for tittle-tattle). Not until the 19th century was idle conversation itself termed "gossip."

O.E. godsibb "godparent," from God + sibb "relative" (see sibling). Extended in M.E. to "any familiar acquaintance" (mid-14c.), especially to woman friends invited to attend a birth, later to "anyone engaging in familiar or idle talk" (1560s). Sense extended 1811 to "trifling talk, groundless rumor." The verb meaning "to talk idly about the affairs of others" is from 1620s.

MV: Jn14:1-6, 23
Bib1Yr: 2S 19-24:1K1-3David and His sons

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Ten Commandments 3

By simply following these two commandment we shall be justified. 

Of course, we can’t do it. That is why we live by faith, Ga3:11 and save by grace.Ro5:17

MV: Abba Initiates: Jn6:44
Bib1Yr: 2S 16-18The Counsels

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Ten Commandments 2

The Greatest Commandment

Jesus summarized it when he quoted the greatest commandment.

“Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Mt22:36-38

This is the summary of the first five commandment of Exodus 20

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Mt22:39

This summarizes what is said of the other half of the commandment on Exodus 20

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Mt22:40

Detail: Exodus 20

MV: 1Co10:13, 28
Bib1Yr: 2S 13-15Absalom

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments

1st Commandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Ex20:3

In those days, though each country and nations have their own gods to worship. It is still allowed to call upon or worship other gods for a blessing. The more the merrier. That is why this is a very unique command indeed.

2nd Commandment: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. Ex20:4-6

In those days and up now,to there are idolatry, creating images of their gods and patrons, which is definitely not allow by this God. Whether you see this god or not, making an image of him is still forbidden

3rd Command: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Ex20: 7

This commandment requires us to take caution at using the name of God. The name of God must be use to give respect to him. When the Israel was captive of foreigners(whether Assyria, Babylon, or Persia), the name of their God was known to these foreigners and is use to curse them. Instead of using the name to curse others, use it to praise God.

4th Commandment: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Ex20:8-11

As the Lord stop working (He can’t add more to this tiny planet), so we with our mortality must rest, even for one day.

5th Commandment: Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Ex20:12

Our parents are the physical representative of God. Utmost respect must be given unto them

6th Commandment: Thou shalt not kill. Ex20:13

God does not allow anyone to kill his fellowman. Though it seems we don’t understand this. What we need is humility and not anger nor power grabbing.

7th Commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery. Ex20: 14

To sanctify marriage, this commandment was given. During those times, even David and Solomon failed in this. Every country was having more wives and concubines. Another use of this word is concerning idolatry, which is prevalent in those times and now.

8th Commandment: Thou shalt not steal.Ex20:15

This prevents greediness and envy. It so hard to do. Be giving rather than taking.Js7

9th commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Ex20:16

This prevent gossip. Let truth be your way of Life

10th commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neigh bour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. Ex20:17

Thus you should be happy of what others have, instead of taking it from them.

Summary: Lk10:27Dt6:5Lv19:18

MV: Ac26:10, 11
Bib1Yr: 2S 10-12Uriah and Bathsheba

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Ark of the Covenant 3

Significance for today

None whatsoever for today if it is found indeed, it might just be a snare for us and a way to forget the Lord. Jg8

MV: Ac8:3
Bib1Yr: 2S 5(7)-9Mephibosheth

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Ark of the Covenant 2

Where is it now

No one really knows. Some suggest it is hidden in Mt. Nebo, or somewhere near Dead Sea, or beneath Jerusalem, in stone –carved tunnel or at the site of the crucifixion, Golgotha Calvary . 

An on going legend say that the son of Solomon by The Queen of Sheba,1K10, might have in Ethiopia, considered to the where ancient Sheba is. Story goes Solomon have made a replica of the ark to be given to his son, however his son took the original instead.

MV: 1Co15:9, 10
Bib1Yr: 2S 1(3)-4You Think That

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Ark of the Covenant

shekinah(God's Glory)lights up
A sacred container built at the command of God through Moses, it will contain basically the stone tablet of ten commandment of .

The Shekinah/Shakan
Other things has been added to it, like the rod of Aaron which bear almonds and the manna to be kept for future generation. It is the beauty of Israel. Lam 2:1

During the journey of Israel, it is being carried the priests, Nu4:5

Description: Ex 25:10-22; 37:1-8Nu7:9; 10:21; 4:5, 19, 20; 1K 8:3, 6 Lev16:2Nu7:89 Place in the Holy of Holies, 1K8:8

MV: Paul: Ro11:13
Bib1Yr:1S28-31The Death of Saul

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The False Gods/Goddesses of Nations 3

Idolatry within the church today are or is called veneration. 

Coming from statues, paintings, etchings to woodcuts, and all that sorts. Don’t get me wrong, its not that I don’t like statues, paintings etc. but the bible explicitly forbid making and worshiping an image, let alone using them like praying to the saints to get closer to God. 

On the other hand, iconoclast is a word that means a person who challenges tradition also one who destroys images use for worship. So many Churches, so many gods and so many false Christs.Mt24:24

MV: 2S11,12:25
Bib1Yr:1S25-27David and Saul

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The False Gods/Goddesses of Nations 2

Before Moses died he reviewed the law before the people. 

About what God require of them, their failure to follow the statutes. When the Israelites was about to cross to the other side of the Jordan,they are also reminded against idolatry. Dt12:29-14:2

MV: David: MemVers:1S13:14
Bib1Yr:1S22:6-ch24David’s mercy

The Star of Moloch/Molech= THE STAR OF DAVID?

Friday, March 19, 2010

The False Gods/Goddesses of Nations

All other gods,

El is a not only the name of Canaanite god but more in those day a common name of any superior god like ba’al which means Lord is also in common usage. This list is but a handful.

MV: Ge12:10-20; 20
Bib1Yr:1S18-21:5Loyal Friends

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Law 3

Law of Christ Ga6:2 Ro10:4
Law of righteousness, Ro9:31  Grace, Eph2:5

Law of righteousness is the following of the law without joy sort of a puppet, just to be told that you are righteous, Ro10:3Ga2:21

But the law of Christ is true righteousness, in that we receive grace by his death or worthy of it and this is the righteousness of God that he doesn’t want anyone be lost but all should come into repentance.2P3:9

MV: Abraham: Jas2:23
Bib1Yr:1S14-17Jonathan and David

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Law 2

The Law under Curse. Ga3:13

What Paul is saying, is that no matter how hard we tried we could never get rid of our own boasting and wants. But he rejoice that by serving God he takes comfort of the grace he receive from him. Ro7:7-25

MV: Mt26:41
Bib1Yr:1S10-13 Saul

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Law

Sometimes we get tired of the laws, rules, judgments and statutes. But that is the commandments.

To read, Is34:16 study, 2Ti2:15 try, 1Jn4:1 and prove, 1P3:15-18; 1Th5:21.

MV: Warning: Lk6:39
Bib1Yr:1S7-9Samuel Leads

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Pope 3

From the dictionary
1. The head of the Roman Catholic Church and bishop of Rome,
2. The head of the Coptic Church head.
3. Orthodox priest.

Pope [12 century L. papa Gr. pappas “father”]

The bible says you have one father in the church, Mt23:9, if this is true, then why call him father and not simply pastor.

MV: Mt7:13, 14, 21-23
Bib1Yr:1S4-6The Ark is taken and it’s Return

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Pope 2

Infallible/ Infallibility

Catholic Rule: "In order to preserve the Church in the purity of the faith handed on by the apostles, Christ who is Truth willed to confer on her a share in his own infallibility. By a supernatural sense of faith the People of God, under the guidance of the Church's living magisterium, unfailingly adheres to this faith." Pg. 235, #889

Bible Rule: Romans 3:10

Frankly, against what the bible is saying. All men, who is of age (to understand)do sin. The denominational group called the Iglesia Ni Cristo has the same rule. Their human Christ has no sin.As long as such ideas are arguable, in the least, if there are debates about it, you cannot say that it is the absolute truth.

Here's what I have researched so far. Papal infallibility ,these are transcripts I. The Pope must be making a decree on matters of faith or morals
II. The declaration must be binding on the whole Church
III. The Pope must be speaking with the full authority of the Papacy, and not in a personal capacity.

means the Pope can make in non-religious matters but on religion and concerning the first two rules are met, Catholics consider that the decree is equal to the Word of God. Catholics believe that if a person denies any of these solemn decrees, they are committing a mortal sin – the type of sin that sends a person to hell.

Here is an example of an infallible decree from the Council of Trent (under Pope Pius V):
If anyone denies that in the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist are contained truly, really and substantially the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ, but says that He is in it only as in a sign, or figure or force, let him be anathema.
The last section of the final sentence “let him be anathema” is a standard phrase that normally appears at the end of an infallible statement. It means “let him be cursed”. Catholics believe that the Pope can err in non-religious matters, and that he has done so on many occasions throughout history.

In the simplest definition the pope is infallible...only on religious matter. But we still need to test everything he says.

MV: Narrow Gate: Lk13:22-30
Bib1Yr: Ruth, 1S1-3Ruth and The Boy Samuel

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Pope

Catholic Rule: "For the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered." Pg. 234, #882
"The Roman Pontiff... as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful..." Pg. 235, #891

Bible Rule: The Holy Spirit is the another comforter, John 14:16

The human Authority factor really wants to hold power.

Trivia: The word on the tiara on the pope is VICARIVS FILII DEI(Vicar[in place of another]of Christ),replacing the letters by roman numerals(roaming roman numbers in Rome, eh)=5+1+100+1+5=112+1+50+1+1=53+500+1=501=666. This is the name of the number of the beast, Re13:18No one knows for sure if it just a silly coincidence. 

Anyway I heard and now I have taken time reseaching about it, and what I find is that it was never use as a tittle of popes, though it is popular to the seventh day Adventist. the actual title is Vicarius Christi ("Vicar of Christ", also rendered in English as "Vicar of Jesus Christ"). But of course, it is still not biblical

MV: Mt23:37
Bib1Yr:Jg19-21Benjamin Tribe

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mary in Question 3

5. Intercessor

Catholic Rule: "Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix." Pg. 252, #969

Bible Rule: 1Ti2:5

Biblically this is a terrible foul and it make the word of the bible a lie

6. Recipient of Prayer

Catholic Rule: “By asking Mary to pray for us, we acknowledge ourselves to be poor sinners and we address ourselves to the 'Mother of Mercy,' the All-Holy One... May she welcome us as our mother at the hour of our passing to lead us to her son, Jesus, in paradise.” Pg. 644, #2677

Bible Rule: Ps55:16

Others: Mother of God, Queen Over All Things, Mother of the Church, Praying the Rosary

Frankly, all you need is to read your bible slowly and pray for understanding, and always test or try so that you can be really be satisfied.

MV: Jesus: Lk13:3, 4
Bib1Yr:Jg17, 18Micah

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mary in Question 2

3 Mary a Perpetual Virgin
Catholic Rule: "Mary remained a virgin in conceiving her Son, a virgin in giving birth to him, a virgin in carrying him, a virgin in nursing him at her breast, always a virgin." Pg. 128 #510
"And so the liturgy of the Church celebrates Mary as Aeiparthenos, the 'Ever-virgin.'" Pg. 126, #499

Bible Rule: Maybe having sex in those days with your husband or vice versa is forbidden. This is a wrong approach to make Mary holy, righteous, even to lift her above women. The bible say she is Highly favored among women, and Mark 6:3 clearly says that she had children. Some Theorize that this was Joseph’s children from previous marriage but no record confirms this. The flow of the story says otherwise.

4. Source of Holiness

Catholic Rule: "From the Church he learns the example of holiness and recognizes its model and source in the all-holy Virgin Mary..." Pg. 490, #2030

Bible Rule: Re15:4

We don’t want even to comment about this. In all logic and reason this is so wrong

MV: Ps 81:11

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mary in Question

Let It Be  The Beatles

Mariology is the study of the teachings or doctrines concerning Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. [L. maria “Mary” + Fr.Gr .logia , logos “word, study, reason” -legein ”speak”]


From the Book Understanding Roman Catholicism

1. Does Mary Saves

Catholic Rule: "Taken up to heaven she (Mary) did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation..." Pg. 252, #969
"Being obedient she (Mary) became the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race." Pg. 125, #494

Bible Rule: Acts 4:12 John 14:6

Basically this Dogma(formulated statement of belief) is all inventions and non reliable rule concerning Mary. They destroy Mary,s image as somebody obedience and needing salvaltion herself

2. Mary: Saved from Birth

Catholic Rule: "By the grace of God Mary remained free of every personal sin her whole life long." Pg. 124, #493
"Espousing the divine will for salvation whole-heartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to the person and to the work of her Son..." Pg. 124, #494
"Mary is the most excellent fruit of redemption (SC 103): from the first instant of her conception, she was totally preserved from the stain of original sin and she remained pure from all personal sin throughout her life." Pg. 128 #508 (See also Pg. 191, #722)

Bible Rule: Ro3:10,12,23

Again one of the many mythology of the Catholic Church

MV: Rejected: Mk7:8-13
Bib1Yr:Jg9-12Abimelech and Jephthah

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mary The Highly Favored One

Mary was that woman who endured it all. 

MARY OF NAZARETH : ( 1995 ) ______ Full Movie


And of course the conversation of the angel Gabriel. You must follow what the bible says and not what the rosary is saying. They did not notice the change they did and so destroy the image of Mary

Bib1Yr: Jg(5)6-8Gideon

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mary The Sinner

Lk1:38,46-55 This verses proves that she is an obedient,servant and of need of salvation also

MV:Human Authority:Mt23:2-7

Bib1Yr:Js2:11-4Remaining Nations

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mary The Servant of God

Mary(mother of Christ) is an example of a mother , which searches for his son, when he is lost and stood by him at crucifixion, sister among brethren and a good follower of God, every command she did not miss.Mt1,2Jn19:25 Ac1:14Lk2:21,22

Bib1Yr:Js23, 24 Jg (1)2:1-10Joshua’s Final Word and the Start

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Daimonion in Question 3

Is there no redemption to fallen Angels? none whatsoever. Jesus Christ took the form the seed of Abraham and not angel.

In this fashion Christ is showing that he intends to deliver man from his sin. Also maybe because we can reproduce and angels cannot.He2:16 Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6 

MV: Jesus ask:Jn5:44
Bib1Yr:Js21, 22Levites and The Tribes

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Daimonion in Question 2

Can you exorcised a demon by Latin only. No. 

Actually Latin is only the registered language of the Catholic Church ,that is why they do it that way. You don't even need any thing except faith and prayer,1Co7:5

Bib1Yr:Js13:1(lands,2-20)Land Mass

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Daimonion in Question

Does the devil have horns, hooves, a tail and a pitchfork? LINK

It is an image derived by American pilgrims that entails the demonization of American Indians.

1.Horns because he is God Jehova's cockold.
2.A tail because he has an enormous penis.
3.Hoofs because he evolved from animals.
4.A pitch fork because he love to poke fun at God Jehova's malignant narcissism.
5.Is red because it is the stereotypical color of indigenous people.
6.Bald because he has a high testerone count and over-active sex drive.
7.a sex symbol who laughs at the celibacy of the angels.
8.Based upon the pagan god Pan


Bib1Yr:Js10-12Sun and Moon

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Angels in questions 3

Do Angels sings.

No, they don’t. The HSN7442 word “Ranan” means "to give a ringing cry in joy, exaltation." And the GSN3004 “Lego” means "say", "exhort", "teach", "speak". Jb38:7Ps132:9Lk2:13

They have multitude of voices, Da10:5,6that it echoes though out heaven, it may sound like they are singing in unison like choirs but they are only shouting. They shout, we human beings sings but all praises God

MV: He13:9
Bib1Yr:Js7-9Achan and The Gibeonites

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Angels in Questions 2

Angel Name anyone. 

Can we really know the name of an angel. Specially your guardian angel/s. So many religion even the Kabala has some form of angel knowledge.

Not that it’s wrong to know angel name, well for us to know angel Michael and Gabriel, but of others, the bible kept their name a secret,Jg13:6, 16-18, preventing angel worship. 

Concerning the word “el”, it may appear every angel name must have “el” endings but the bible does not indicate this strictly at all. We simply base this on the two name angels and the first book of the Enoch . By the way the god El is also worship in Canaan, and that word is always refer or the Canaanites called their god El.

MV: False Doctrine,Col.2:22
Bib1Yr:Js4-6Over Jordan

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Angels in Questions

Little chubby cherub

Other words referring to angels include כרוב kruv describing young children, from which the English word "cherub" is derived. Of course this is not how the bible portrayed the cherubim

The Halo Effect
Do angels or any saints have halo? 

There is a proclaimer angel crowned with rainbow, Re10:1 So the answer is no.

 A halo a ring or circle of light around the head of a saint in a religious painting. Although not biblical, it is pattern from Ex34:29,where Moses’ face shines. 

In the Vulgate this aura, the reflection of God’s glory, is translated as horn. [Mid-16th century. Via medieval Latin < Greek halos "disk around the Sun or Moon"]

MV: Mk8:18
Bib1Yr:Js1-3Joshua Son of nun