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Friday, April 12, 2013

God—Not Omnipotent

First of all, let me tell you that my toys thinks I’m omnipotent! Oops my toys doesn’t think, it only gives me pleasure.

Now, second, everybody is keep on saying God, God, God, God… without realizing that there are many Gods in many religions. So,the question is who is the God you’re talking about? And then think if he really is or is not omnipotent.

Omnipotent comes from two Latin words, omnis, meaning all, and potentia or potens which means power.

The Greek word translated as “Omnipotent” here is pantokrator, meaning “All-ruling” or (as it is more frequently translated) “Almighty.” (the original Greek word is παντοκράτωρ, "all-mighty").

By the way the God of Israel is not omniscient(all knowing) neither he is omnipresent(all present)

When it was first use, and to whom we are to use it?

When[The]God(of Israel)is not omnipotent, we should not obey him because he can’t help us to certain degree, so we can choose not to obey him without consequences(who cares about that anyway)

Anyway Omnipotence implies authority over all, none of the other Gods can say or do anything about it.

To say that God is not omnipotent would mean that you found out one thing that God cannot do. You must be careful

What you say that he cannot do because he has the authority to choose to do it or not.

People who say that God is not omnipotent are

1.Don’t know who God really is

Ex3:16 says that God has the authority to choose what he will or will not do

2. They are wiser than God

Scholars think when this God gives mankind freewill, this God loses all authority over all. But actually the opposite happens, that God can if he will it to stop or change the on going situation. To make these people believe in God means whenever and whatever they ask , God must do it, thereby making God their slave. Besides there is no biblical proof that when God gave us freewill he becomes less powerful, you’re just reasoning by you own wisdom and knowledge.Ex4:11

3.The fool,Ps14:1 It is a foolish thing to worship a Demiurge God when you know there is a Most High God,Ge14:18,

even if you don’t know, you would still wish you could worship the most powerful God in existence. Every religion claims their God as omnipotent

Is there a way God is truly not omnipotent? The answer is yes of course

1.Don’t worship the God of Israel, try other religion.
2.Don’t exist

MV: holy and reverend,Ps111:9
Torah1Yr: Ex2:13-15

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