Bar Mitzvah
The Christian Bible is always joined with the concept of the Old Testament which is done in Judaism.You cannot understand the bible completely without considering some teaching of the old covenant.
Bar Mitzvah/ Bat Mitzvah, Which means Son/Daughter of the commandment, is a tradition done in Judaism. It comes from two word, Bar, Aramaic for son (Bat, Aram. Daughter) Mitzvah (Heb. Commandment).When a boy or a girl reach their legal age(age of maturity), that is at the age of 13 for boys, and 12(girls) , they can now join in the religious life as a adult, of reading from the Torah, and on the Sabbath, from the prophets.
During the ceremony, they carry the scroll in preparation of reading it. They also wear phylacteries, a box containing verse from the scripture written on parchment.Dt.6:6-8
Before you can enter into the Church of God, you must be baptized*(not for salvation, only a sample of cleansing), and before you get to be baptize, you must know and understand the basic teachings first. (Exception,Ro2:11-16)This is being done today.
* Let me clear this Now...Baptism seems to be an opening door or a ticket to enter in another denomination or being converted
The TRUE CHURCH OF GOD Receives the Holy Spirit(Ac2:38;19:1-6KJV)for John's baptism is past. Don't worry a repenting heart will receive mercy and forgiveness still
So, as it appears to be that the Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitvah and what is done in the church today has a similar importance. In that he who is in this religion must have a knowledge of the word of God, and the maturity for it
See Church of God 3 for the reading from the prophet
Memory Verse: 2Chr1:10
The Bible in One Year: Gen9-11The Wine-Sons of Noah And Babel