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Thursday, October 7, 2010

John,The Gospel of

[Ioannes or Jochanan ''the grace of the Lord"]

Chapter 1-2






Ch. 9-10

Ch. 11

Ch. 12-13




Ch. 19-20


Background:It is obvious from the first verse that this Gospel is very different in atmosphere to the other three. Jesus'miracles are called signs,Jesus does not speak of the kingdom but of eternal life. There are no parables but several long,rather complex sermons which are usually linked to one of the signs.Thus when Jesus heals a blind man he speaks of himself as "the light of the world". These "I Am"sayings are quite dustinctive to this Gospel and the accounts of Jesus'appearances after his resurrection are also unique. 21 chapters

Author:John the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ(21:20-25Ga2:9)

Date: Probably AD85-95,some 20yrs after Synoptics. John's 5 books were the last NT books written

Location and Recipients: Eusebius says John lived in Ephesus after Paul founded the church there;he conducted a kind of home-missions ministry,this Gospel and letters were a part of that ministry

Purpose:Presenting Jesus was indeed the Messiah,the Son of God and Saviour of the world(20:20-31)

Unique Features:
*John choose 7 miracles to prove that Jesus is the Messiah
-changing water into wine,2:1-11
-Healing of Nobleman's son, 4:46-54
-Healing the lame man at Bethesda,5:1-18
-Feeding 5000,6:5-14
-Walking on water,6:16-21
-Healing of the blind man,9:1-7
-Raising of Lazarus,15:1

*Recorded 7 occassions when Jesus bore witness to his Messiahship:
^"I am the bread of life",6:35
^"I am the light of the world",8:12
^"I am the the gate",10:7
^"I am the good shepherd",10:11,14
^"I am the resurrection and the life",11:25
^"I am the way,the truth,and the life",14:6
^"I am the true vine",15:1

Comparison: In the Synoptics,which John omitted (historical facts):
_Jesus' Genealogy and birth
_his baptism and temptation
_his Galilean and Perean ministries
_his parables
_his transfiguration
_the Lord's supper
_the ascension

*John primarily theological and interpretative:
-Christ's early ministry in Judea and Jerusalem;while the Synoptics record only one visit to Jerusalem, John records 4(2:13-25;5;7:10-10:39:12-19)
-his contacts and private conversations with individuals(3:1-21;4:1-26)
-his ministry to the disciples,13-17

*John and Synoptics
-If we only have the Synoptics,we would know nothing of the washing of feet,13
-if we only have John,we would know nothing of the institution of the Lord's Supper,,Mt26:26-30

1Jn:John's Gospel was written to lead people in faith in Christ (20:30,31);the epistle was written to confirm believers in the faith,1Jn5:13

Rv: John 's Gospel presents the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth on earth; Rv present the ministry of exalted Jesus from heaven

Abbreviations: Jn./ Jo./ Joh./Jhn

Bib1Yr:2Co6Light and Darkness

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